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Water Sport Equip

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Sobre nós

Water Sport Equip was established since 2010 as your convenient online water sports equipment store resource, is the website for Water Sport Equip (WSE), Incorporated — a full service high quality water sports equipment company located in Singapore. Water Sport Equip has become one of the largest water sports equipment dealers across the country, being recognized for superior selection and service. We have exactly the equipments that you are looking for, but our expertise does not stop there. Technical Knowledge — Our friendly staff is not only passionate about everything we do, but we are factory-certified by the manufacturers for all the products sold through our store. We have the technical knowledge about each and every one of our products in order to answer all of your questions. There is no need to go home and research what you just bought, and we won’t Google the product as we talk to you. Bottom line: we know and understand the products we sell. Professional Service — Often when shopping you run into employees who just do not care about their job. We strive to maintain excellence by only having staff that is excited about the product, and anxious to share their knowledge with you. Every member of our team brings a unique quality and skill that allows us to boast superior customer service. We not only carry the best brands of water sports equipment, we also carry ourselves with pride. We are a family-owned business that wants nothing more than to share our passion with you, helping you have fun and be safe on the water so you can create life-long memories with family and friends. We strive to support our customers as much as we support each other. Through providing prompt service, relaying our explicit knowledge, and providing you with the best prices available, we hope to win you over as a customer for life. You will never again have to deal with the headache of a big box store that has employees that don’t know the product or a low volume dealer that doesn’t have what you want. In response to the needs, wishes, and demands of our customers, our selections and offerings are expanding beyond water sports equipments. Call us today, or browse the site, to see what we have to offer — we always look forward to making a new friend and earning a new customer.

Principais Mercados

  • Africa
  • Asia
  • Europa Oriental
  • Oriente Médio
  • América do norte
  • Oceania
  • América do Sul
  • Sudoeste da Asia
  • Europa Ocidental



Mais sobre a
Water Sport Equip

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10M - 50M

Volume de vendas (USD)

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Ano de Fundação

Tipo de negócio
  • Distribuidor/Atacadista

Palavras chaves
  • Boat Trailers
  • Canoes
  • Inflatable Boats
  • Kayak
  • Outboard Motors
  • Paddle Boarding
  • Trolling Motors
  • Ver Mais

Contato e localização
  • icone de usuario Ricky ********
  • icone de telefone +65 68********
  • map-marker Singapore / SE | Singapura

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