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Zhongde Dingli Machinery Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.

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Sobre nós

Founded in 2000, Dinli Group is an expert in the field of non-blasting rock breaking technology. It has been specialized in research and development and production of various technologically advanced rock breaking machinery, and is committed to providing safe and effective solutions for mines and construction projects where blasting is prohibited. Our main products include piston rock splitter, hand-held hydraulic splitter, drilling and splitting integrated machine, carbon dioxide rock breaking system and related accessories. After 20 years of development in China, we have become China's leading rock-breaking machinery manufacturer. Our products have passed the tests of various domestic complex construction environments, and can solve various problems encountered in rock crushing construction for you. We are proud of the quality of our customer service and ensure fast and on-time delivery to meet your urgent requirements. We are on standby to serve you at any time, and we promise to redouble our efforts to meet the current and future needs of customers.

Principais Mercados

  • Africa
  • Asia
  • Europa Oriental
  • Oriente Médio
  • América do norte
  • Oceania
  • América do Sul
  • Sudoeste da Asia
  • Europa Ocidental



Mais sobre a
Zhongde Dingli Machinery Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.

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10M - 50M

Volume de vendas (USD)

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% Vendas com exportação



Ano de Fundação

Tipo de negócio
  • Fabricante

Palavras chaves
  • rocksplitter
  • pistonrocksplitter
  • excavator
  • hydraulic
  • rockdemolition
  • nonblasting
  • Ver Mais

Contato e localização
  • icone de usuario Marry ********
  • icone de telefone +86 30********
  • map-marker Taiyuan, Shanxi Province / Shanxi | China

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